Class of 2019

Master's Program Class of 2019

Kayla Brown

Kayla Brown

Undergrad: Sonoma State University

Major: Liberal Studies (Elementary Education focus)

Hometown: Visalia, CA

Assistantship: Department of Student Activities – Leadership Office

Bio: My name is Kayla Brown and I grew up in Central California in a city called Visalia. I have spent the past 4 years pursuing a Bachelor’s degree in Liberal Arts with a focus on Elementary Education at Sonoma State University. I am a first generation college student and have lived in California my entire life so this will be a huge transition for me, but I am extremely excited to jump from the West coast to the East coast and embark on this new adventure.

I found my passion for Student Affairs around my junior year when I realized that all of the things I was involved with and loved doing could be made into a lifelong journey. During my time in undergrad, I was mostly involved with residential life as an RA for three years and a Senior RA in my final year. I was also a member of NRHH and completed an ACUHO- I internship at Harvard University. Additionally, I was involved with Alternative Breaks for three years and led a trip my junior year focused on Urban Poverty. I also spent two years as a TA for a Foundations of Leadership course. I am extremely passionate about working with students and nothing is more gratifying than being able to help someone through their journey in life.

In my free time I love hiking, exploring new places, and going on spontaneous adventures with friends. Excited to explore the New England area and to officially join the HESA family! Go Huskies!

Katrina Camerato

Katrina Camerato

Undergrad: University of Connecticut

Major: Human Development & Family Studies

Hometown: Orange, CT

Assistantship: Residential Life – Assistant Residence Hall Director

Bio: My name is Katrina Camerato, and I am from Orange, Connecticut, the home of the PEZ factory! I graduated from UConn in 2016 with a degree in Human Development and Family Studies. During my undergraduate experience, I was an RA and Tour Guide for two years. Additionally, I was an intern in the Puerto Rican/Latin American Cultural Center. In this role, I focused on addressing sexuality-based issues present within the Latinx Community via student programming. These opportunities played a pivotal role in my decision to work as a Student Affairs professional.

After graduation, I began working as a Residence Coordinator at the University of Saint Joseph in West Hartford, Connecticut. Working at an all-women’s institute has helped me find my true definition of womanhood as a young professional, student, and feminist. I am grateful for this experience, as I was able to help young women reach their full potential during their undergraduate experience.

In my free time, I love to shop the clearance racks, paint my nails and hang out with friends. I enjoycooking and trying new recipes from around the world. My favorite color is pink, and I am a big fan of Hello Kitty. I am looking forward to continuing my journey as a student at UConn! Students Today, Huskies Forever.

Morgan Coleman

Morgan Coleman

Undergrad: Dean College

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Manchester, NH

Assistantship: Office of Student Services in the School of Nursing

Bio: My name is Morgan and I was born and raised in New Hampshire. I’ve spent my last four years at Dean College (MA) studying Psychology, and becoming a total workaholic! Beginning this new adventure in Connecticut... you can say I am a New England girl at heart! My path to Student Affairs has been an unexpected and wonderful one. I had every intention of becoming a dance therapist until I became an Orientation Leader for Dean. Orientation introduced me to life-long friends, faculty, and staff who, like myself, had the proclivity to help others. At Dean, I fell head over heels for being a student leader from interning for the Academic Success Office and serving as the Student Government Vice President to being a Community Advisor Mentor. Before becoming a Husky in the fall, I am fortunate enough to be working as the Camps and Conferences Coordinator at Dean. I have quickly realized the community that is Student Affairs is unmatched, and I want nothing more than to be a part of it! Student Affairs cultivates my passion for supporting students during their college experiences and extending a helping hand. The opportunity to study and practice simultaneously through HESA is a dream come true; not only because it aligns with my desire to be a Student Affairs professional but also because I love school... I am a total nerd. I am also a lover of coffee (it’s really an addiction), reading, my younger sister Bailey, gluten free foods, and the beach. I’ve been a Bulldog from my freshman year of high school through Dean College, but now I cannot wait to become a Husky. Go Huskies!

Bridget Conaway

Bridget Conaway

Undergrad: Drexel University

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Assistantship: Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

Bio: Hi everyone! My name is Bridget Conaway and I was born and raised in Philadelphia, PA. In 2016, I graduated from Drexel University where I was a Psychology major and Communications minor with a concentration in Corporate and Public Relations. While an undergrad, I was a heavily involved leader within the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life, Alumni Relations and Institutional Advancement. Drexel's focus as a cooperative education university allowed me the unique perspective to work full time within Drexel’s Division of Student Affairs while an undergrad. In this co-op I was challenged by my peers and co-workers to advocate for and support marginalized students while I planned large-scale campus events. I was able to touch numerous functional areas including Student Activities, Veteran Affairs, Orientation, and Greek Life. I knew instantaneously that this field was for me.

Since graduation, I have continued at Drexel University as a Residential Desk Coordinator for a Global Learning Community within Residential Living. I am passionate about how student organizations impact a student’s development of leadership and interpersonal skills so I am thrilled to continue on my Student Affairs path with a graduate assistantship in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life. In my free time, I enjoy Netflix binging, strong coffee, going to concerts and spending time with friends. I am very excited for the opportunities these next two years will hold and to become a greater part of the UConn family, Go Huskies!

Melissa Ferrin

Melissa Ferrin

Undergrad: SUNY Oneonta

Major: Psychology

Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

Assistantship: Student Union/Student Activities

Bio: My name is Melissa Ferrin and I am from Long Island, New York. I graduated from SUNY Oneonta with a major in psychology. Throughout my time there I was fortunate enough to gain experiences in Admissions, Student Union, New Student Services, Orientation, Student Government, Leadership Programs, and much more. These experiences fueled my passion for Higher Education and Student Affairs.

Since graduating in December, I have been working as an Assistant Supervisor for YAI, a non-profit organization that provides services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. I enjoy the work I am doing, but I definitely miss working with college students.

Whenever I can get some free time I enjoy traveling, hiking through state parks, cooking, and finding new shows to binge watch on Netflix. I am excited for the adventures to come atUConn!

Joe Fisher

Joe Fisher

Undergrad: Merrimack College

Major: Health Sciences (Public Health)

Hometown: Somerville, MA

Assistantship: Pre-College Summer Program (Office of Early College Programs)

Bio: My name is Joe Fisher, and I am originally from Somerville, Massachusetts (just outside of Boston!) I graduated from Merrimack College in May 2017 with a major in Health Science (Public Health) and minors in Biology and Student Development. My interest in Student Affairs and leadership stemmed from my experiences at Merrimack in Residence Life and in our Honors Program. I served as a Resident Advisor for three years (Head RA my last year), was the director for our Honors Peer Mentoring Program, and President of our Honors Student Council. Working with and mentoring students through those avenues has been so rewarding in my college career, and so, I am extremely excited to continue pursuing my passion and love for StudentAffairs!

Outside of work and school, I love to travel. I have been to over 20 countries, most of them visited while I studied abroad in Rome, Italy. I plan on doing the “25 countries by age 25” bucket list item, so who knows where I will be traveling to next! Besides traveling, I love to cook, road trip, play volleyball, and catch up on my favorite TV series, Chicago Fire, PD, Med, and Justice, oh, and Law and Order: SVU! I am very excited to be pursuing a degree in Higher Education and Student Affairs. I think the combination of academics, assistantship experience, and practica will prepare me for a successful career in the field, and will expose me to even more functional areas.

I am excited to begin my assistantship in the Office of Early College Programs & UConn Pre-College Experience, and cannot wait to see what the next two years have in Storr(s). (See what I did there 🙂 ). Go Huskies!

Jessica Gramajo

Jessica Gramajo

Undergrad: Brooklyn College

Major: Television and Radio, Communication Studies

Hometown: White Plains, NY

Assistantship: Department of Student Activities – Leadership Office

Bio: Hello! My name is Jessica and I was born and raised in White Plains, NY. Upon graduating high school, I attended Westchester Community College where I discovered my passion and love for student involvement. Starting my first semester, I got involved in the Westchester Events Board and co-founded a volunteer club (Making a Difference). I was also involved in the Orientation Leader/Peer Advisor program, Admissions Ambassadors and did marketing for the Student Government Association. Through these roles, I learned the importance of planning learning outcomes, facilitating icebreakers, team builders, and reflective discussions in order to build a strong team foundation.

In May 2014, I graduated from WCC with an A.A.S in Communications and an A.A in Journalism. I transferred to Brooklyn College and studied Television and Radio; however, I knew I wanted to continue working with students in different capacities. I worked in academic advisement, registrar’s office, tutoring and sought opportunities where I could work with students one-on-one. During my last semester, I interned with the Department of Student Involvement at WCC and solidified my decision to pursue a career in Student Affairs. I began working as the Club and Organization Coordinator where I had the opportunity to plan retreats, trainings and workshops for 60+ clubs on campus.

After attending and working at a college of roughly 14,000 students, I am looking forward to new exciting experiences at University of Connecticut. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my family, boyfriend and friends, visiting new places, dancing, hitting the gym and doing outdoor activities. I am so excited to continue my education at UConn and to become a part of the HESA family- doing what I love! #GoHuskies!

Denee Jackson

Denée Jackson

Undergrad: University of Connecticut

Major: Communications

Hometown: Willimantic, CT

Assistantship: Husky Sport

Bio: My name is Denée Jackson and I have been a Husky since 2010! I went to UConn for my Bachelors of Arts and graduated in 2014 with a major in Communications and a minor in Africana Studies. In undergrad, I wassuper involved in the Greek community, the African American Cultural Center organizations, and service activities. Since graduation, I have been working in the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life as a Program Specialist. In my role, I get to create educational workshops, plan large events, and advise Greek leaders.

As an educator and social justice activist, I never miss an opportunity to make sure that our students of color feel valued and important. I am passionate about equity, education, and Beyoncé. I love traveling and have a goal to travel to at least two new countries every year! I am humbled and excited to join the Husky Sport team and HESA program!

Madison Maynard

Madison Maynard

Undergrad: University of Rhode Island

Major: Marketing

Hometown: Pawtucket, RI

Assistantship: Dean of Students Office

Bio: My name is Madison Maynard and I am Rhode Island born and bred. I am a graduate of the University of Rhode Island with a major in Marketing and a minor in Spanish. At URI, I became interested in community service. I started as a Civic Engagement leader, leading students on service projects. Then, I traveled on two Alternative Spring Break trips, and interned in the Clearinghouse for Volunteers office in combination with the Matthew Siravo Fund for Epilepsy. My participation with community service led to a domino effect of involvement in other areas on campus. I became an Orientation Leader in New Student Programs, a Tour Guide in Admissions, and a member of the Business Student Advisory Council.

My involvement at URI sparked my interest in Student Affairs, but my dream of pursuing a master’s degree in Higher Education was confirmed during my first full time job as the Events Coordinator in the Department of Music at Brown University. Interacting with students has been the most rewarding and fulfilling part of my job. I feel extremely fortunate for my experiences at URI and Brown, as both universities have offered me new opportunities to widen my perspective and grow. Now, I am extremely excited about the opportunity to study Student Affairs at UConn!

In my spare time, I love to bake and travel to find the best coffee and pastry shops. I love spending time with my family and my sisters, especially eating ice cream and going to the beach in the summer!

Brianna Miloz

Bri Miloz

Undergrad: Northern Arizona University

Major: Marketing and Management (Double Business Major)

Hometown: Peoria, AZ

Assistantship: Office for Diversity and Inclusion

Bio: I was originally born in Springfield, MA and moved to Arizona 12 years ago. I have spent my undergrad in Flagstaff, Arizona where we get all four seasons, especially the snow! So moving back east won’t be a huge climate shock for me. During my undergrad, I was able to discover my interest for Higher Education and Student Affairs through my work and extra-curricular experiences. As a business major, I struggled with finding a way to fit my passion into a career path that would be just right for me. I finally realized my passion for working with individuals looking to succeed in their educational path could be applicable to skills gained through my undergrad.

Throughout my undergrad experience, I have served in various leadership positions as a Resident Assistant, Residence Hall Association Representative, Business Student Ambassador, Edge Leadership Experience Leader, Retreat Staff, Trio the Academy Summer Leader and Team Leader and a Project Coordinator. Through all of my experiences, I have realized how one opportunity leads to another and there is always room for personal growth. It is my goal as a leader to generate awareness on the lack of equal opportunities and the adversities minorities are facing in today’s society. I desire to help others be proud of who they are, encourage confidence and to embrace their individualism. I value the importance of learning and educating ourselves on equality and basic human rights.

My hobbies and interests include, Grey’s Anatomy, Dexter, listening to music, exercising, hiking, traveling, cooking, spending time with friends and family, excessive amounts of coffee, and shopping! I’m excited to start my HESA experience with UConn and believe it will provide me the skills I need to accomplish my goals.

Bailee Raber

Bailee Raber

Undergrad: Eastern Michigan University

Major: Political Science and Communication

Hometown: Haskins, OH

Assistantship: Off-Campus Student Services

Bio: Hi friends, I’m Bailee! In spring 2017, I graduated from Eastern Michigan University where I double majored in Political Science and Communication where I concentrated on equity, inclusion, and social justice. I’m originally from a small town in Ohio, named Haskins, population less than 700. But I’ve also spent time growing up in Tampa, Florida where my dad lives.

During my undergrad, Higher Education caught my attention while I was working for Eastern’s Admission’s office as a tour guide. It was a wonderful experience and as my time grew with the university, I tried to get more involved on campus. I joined Greek Life, joined a student advisory board for the Board of Regents, and other organizations. I’m really interested in research and gaining more knowledge and experience in this realm and I’m truly honored and excited to become a Husky!

When I’m not “nerding” out about Higher Ed., I can be found listening to music, hanging out with my two dogs, practicing yoga, geeking out to podcast, and more than likely playing Temple Run. I really look forward to getting to know y’all!

Alfredo Ramirez

Alfredo Ramirez

Undergrad: Montclair State University

Major: Family and Child Studies

Hometown: Little Egg Harbor, NJ

Assistantship: Department of Student Activities- Leadership Office

Bio: Hi there! I was born and raised in the small coastal town of Little Egg Harbor, New Jersey. I attended Montclair State University with the intention of being a forensic psychologist, child services worker, social worker, and a gerontologist (yes, I know, I was all over the place)!

While trying to discover what my future career would be, I spent a lot of time outside of the classroom getting involved with different campus departments and activities. The majority of my time was spent with the Office of Residence Life where I served as a Resident Assistant for two years before being promoted to a Resident Assistant Coordinator for my senior year. I also got involved with the Student Government Association, Student Leadership Office, and the Student Programming Board. These opportunities offered me the chance to grow as a leader while giving back to the campus community. During my junior year, the lightbulb went off, and I realized my future career path had been in front me the whole time! I decided that I wanted to help future college students develop asleaders and people outside of the classroom, thus my passion for Student Affairs was born.

If you see me with headphones in, I am most likely listening to hits of the late 90’s-early 2000’s. I love history and find it so fascinating! On Thursday nights, you will find me watching Grey’s Anatomy and Scandal, #TGIT! I am always down for getting a cup of coffee and listening to a good story.

I am so ecstatic to be able to join the UConn HESA Family, and I look forward to all of the great opportunities to come!

Patrick Rogers

Patrick Rogers

Undergrad: Providence College

Major: Social Work

Hometown: Middleboro, MA

Assistantship: Center for Students with Disabilities

Bio: My name is Patrick Rogers and I grew up in Middleboro, Massachusetts. I pursued my undergraduate degree in Social Work at Providence College. I spent my Social Work Field Experience working as a case manager for the Outreach team through The House of Hope CDC, a homelessness provision agency that serves people throughout Rhode Island. I’ll be spending my summer working as the Program Coordinator for the summer bridge program “Passport” at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, MA before moving to Connecticut. My assistantship site is with the Center for Students with Disabilities.

I really enjoyed my time at Providence College believe that my time spent working for programs and becoming involved in organizations on campus helped me determine my interest in Student Affairs. I was inspired by the work of staff and administrators at PC as well as the relationships I was able to build with underclassmen through my involvement with the summer bridge program the summers before my junior and senior years. During that time I served as a Mentor and Resident Assistant for two cohorts of new students, my year serving on the Executive Board of Providence College’s Student Congress and working closely with the Dean of Students Office, as well as two years of serving on the New Student Orientation Staff as an Orientation Coordinator and Orientation Leader at PC. It was during these experiences and through the relationships, I was able to build that I realized I wanted to have the same jobs as the administrators and staff with whom I was working. I’m beyond grateful and excited to be student in the HESA program at UConn to prepare me for this amazing field!

Cory Sprinkel

Cory Sprinkel

Undergrad: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Major: English Literature

Hometown: Dodgeville, WI

Assistantship: Office of Community Outreach

Bio: My name is Cory Sprinkel and I am originally from Dodgeville, Wisconsin. I graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a major in English and certificates in LGBT Studies and Educational Policy. I was involved with many organizations and departments at UW. I was co-president of Ten Percent Society, an LGBTQ+ and ally social organization at UW. I also worked with Residence Life as a House Fellow and with our LGBT Campus Center as a Program and Leadership Coordinator. I am involved in the NASPA undergraduate Fellows Program (NUFP) and have served as the NUFP intern at the University of Michigan, working with sustainability initiatives. My involvement across campus has helped to reveal my passion for the field of student affairs and I am eager to continuing learning at UConn!

In my free time I enjoy cooking, kayaking, hiking, listening to music, binging Netflix shows, and exploring new places with friends. I’m also passionate about sustainability and social justice, especially how they work together. I’m incredibly excited to explore the East Coast and all that Connecticut has to offer!

Alessa Strelecki

Alessa Strelecki

Undergrad: Drake University

Major: Elementary Education

Hometown: West Des Moines, IA

Assistantship: Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life

Bio: Hello! My name is Alessa Strelecki and I am from West Des Moines, Iowa. I graduated from Drake University in 2015 with a degree in Elementary Education. In undergrad, my passion for Student Affairs grew from my experiences working as a Peer Mentor/Academic Consultant, becoming a Delta Gamma and holding various positions in my chapter, and planning my University's Welcome Weekend as part of the Peer Advisory Board.

My first year out of college was spent on Fulbright in South Korea. I taught English at a school of around 100 students, grades kindergarten to sixth. It was an incredible opportunity that I feel very fortunate to have had! During my year in Korea, I tried to determine if I wanted to teach elementary school when I came back to the States or make the jump into the world of Student Affairs and grad school. After the yearlong deliberation, I decided to pursue Higher Education and Student Affairs and I am proud to be a part of the HESA program at UConn. My assistantship is with the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life!

Outside of work and school, I enjoy reading, listening to podcasts, doing yoga, being with family and friends, and spending time traveling and exploring new places. I can't wait to see what the next two years bring! Go Huskies!

Brenna Turer

Brenna Turer

Undergrad: Gettysburg College

Major: English and Education

Hometown: Ramsey, NJ

Assistantship: Residential Life – Assistant Residence Hall Director

Bio: Hey everyone! My name is Brenna Turer and I am from Ramsey, New Jersey. I graduated from Gettysburg College in 2016 with a Bachelor's degree in English and Education. I've always had a passion for teaching and was interested in being a middle school teacher until I discovered Student Affairs during undergrad! Upon graduating, I took a full time position in Residence Life in North Carolina, and now I am so excited to be continuing my career through HESA!

In my free time, I love being active outdoors, running and hiking, and traveling. I grew up around music and also love to spend time with others by dancing, singing, or playing guitar and piano. I cannot wait to get to know everyone in the fall!

Matt Wenz

Matt Wenz

Undergrad: Dickinson College

Major: American Studies

Hometown: New Hope, PA

Assistantship: Office of Community Standards

Bio: Hey everyone! My name is Matt Wenz, and I grew up in New Hope, PA. I am a May 2017 graduate of Dickinson College in Carlisle, PA with a degree in American Studies. While there, I was fortunate enough to be involved in a number of student leadership opportunities, including Residence Life, Student Activities, Academic Advising, and Admissions tours. When I spent more time with these offices than in a classroom, I realized that working with students and student leaders was the perfect career path for me. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to continue my studies at UConn, where I hope to enter into a career that will allow me to help students in the same way my incredible mentors helped me throughout my undergraduate experience.

Outside of the classroom, I love watching way too much Netflix, cooking and eating with friends, looking for new coffee shops to visit, and trying to find a concert to go to. I can’t wait to begin the HESA experience!

Kayla Wong

Kayla Wong

Undergrad: Colorado State University

Major: Communication Studies

Hometown: Mojave Desert, CA

Assistantship: Residential Life – Assistant Residence Hall Director; Asian American Cultural Center (AsAAC)

Bio: My name is Kayla Wong (she, her, hers). I grew up in the Mojave Desert of Southern California and graduated with honors from Colorado State University in December 2016 with a BA in Communication Studies and a minor in Arts Leadership and Administration. I love to research topics of social justice and anything related to mental health - my thesis topic was mental health and college students focusing on intersectionality.

My biggest commitments in undergrad were being a Resident Assistant and working for the Health Network with mental health initiatives on campus. Part of this was starting a chapter of Active Minds - a national nonprofit. Through being a R.A., the NASPA Undergraduate Fellows Program, and many amazing mentors, I discovered my passion for Student Affairs work. Since graduating, I have been working as a Program Aide doing assessment and development and as Payroll Assistant for CSU's Department of Housing and Dining. I'm excited to be back in the halls with students in my assistantship under Residential Life. I think learning occurring in college outside of the classroom is crucial to personal and professional growth and I am ecstatic to be part of that for so many people!

Outside of school and work, I love hiking, running, surfing, camping, and anything outdoors. For fun, I like painting mason jars while listening to music or going to the theatre. My favorite animal is the pink iguana– it lives in the Galapagos. I am obsessed with Disney, the color pink, and reading! I am looking forward to continuing my journey in this field and am excited to see what UConn has in store for me! Go Huskies!