DiGorio (’13) Presents #CSAM14: Moving into Your Role as a New Professional


Rollins College

Jeremy DiGorio, a 2013 graduate of the UConn HESA program, collaborated with colleagues from NASPA, Oregon State University, and University of Miami to present the ” #CSAM14: Moving into Your Role as a New Professional” webinar.

This dynamic webinar  incorporated the viewpoints of five new professionals in the field of higher education and student affairs who shared their confessions, job searching tips, and  lessons from their first few years in the field. Free to  both NASPA and non-NASPA members alike, this type of support for undergraduates, graduates, and new professionals bolsters interest our field and further backs the supportive nature of related professional organizations.

We are proud to recognize Jeremy’s contribution to the field and join him in celebrating “Careers in Student Affairs Month!”


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